USTA Leagues

USTA League Play in the City of Fort Worth and surrounding metroplex is organized and managed by the Greater Fort Worth Tennis Coalition (GFWTC). The FWTA, along with representatives from local Community Tennis Associations (CTAs), comprise the Coalition. To join a team, contact one of the league coordinators listed below.

League Coordinators

Women’s Adult/Senior
Coordinators: Jack & Laurie Sheehy
(817) 360-9077

Men’s Adult/Senior
Coordinator: Orlando Superlano
(786) 327-0462

Mixed Doubles
Coordinators: Jack & Laurie Sheehy
(817) 360-9077

Coordinator: Martha Barrie

Tri-Level Tournament
Orlando Superlano

Registration and Rating Information

**You must become a USTA member prior to registering for a USTA-sanctioned league.

USTA League Registration

Register for USTA Leagues

USTA Rating Information
A player will be prompted to self-rate if he/she lacks a current National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) rating or has not played in USTA-sanctioned leagues/tournaments. Read more about the USTA NTRP and Self-Rating system here. The Experienced Player Guidelines Chart provides a concise overview of each rating classification.

**All USTA-sanctioned leagues and post-season play use the Coman Tiebreak Format. For a detailed explanation of tiebreak procedures, click here.
